Insurance Archives - Page 3 of 8 - Lee Steinberg Law Firm

Problems with the New Michigan No-Fault Law That Nobody is Taking About

The Michigan No-Fault law and Michigan automobile law changed dramatically this month with the sale of new Michigan auto policies to policyholders. For the first time since the no-fault law was introduced in the early 1970s, motorists throughout the state can now buy policies with limited PIP (personal injury protection) options. PIP coverage acts as […]

Michigan Auto Insurance Refund Is A Slap In the Face

Car insurance in Michigan is not cheap. In fact, Michigan is one of the most expensive states to purchase automobile insurance in the country. Next month, car insurance companies can begin to offer no-fault policies with limited PIP coverage that will allegedly decrease the cost of car insurance. However, Coronavirus has also changed the way […]

Midland Dam Failure Causes Catastrophic Property Loss

The failure of the Edenville Dam and Sanford Dam this week caused the destruction of hundreds of homes and businesses and has completely upended the lives of countless residents. The resulting property loss impacted thousands and individuals’ entire lives have been washed away by the floods. On May 19, 2020, the Edenville Dam failed, and […]

Five Things to Do If Involved in A Motor Vehicle Accident and Safe Physical Distancing Reminders

Key Points of This Article: Each year, about 476,000 people will be injured in a Michigan car accident, many of whom will be involved in an auto accident claim. Seeking compensation for accident injuries and other losses can be complicated; however, being preparing in what steps to take after an accident can help, especially when […]