Kalamazoo Archives - Page 2 of 2 - Lee Steinberg Law Firm

Michigan No-Fault Accident Lawyers – Court Sides With Insurance Companies

The Michigan Court of Appeals again held that medical providers do have an independent cause of action, this time in cases involving the Michigan Assigned Claims and Michigan Automobile Insurance Placement Facility. In Bronson Healthcare v. Michigan Assigned Claims Plan, a woman was injured in a car accident in Kalamazoo County in October 2014. Following […]

Changes Could Be Coming to Michigan’s Bike Laws

Will Michigan Lawmakers Finally Adopt Bike-Friendly Safety Laws? With each new year brings the hope for renewed laws and better protections for citizens. And in 2018, it’s been reported by the Associated Press that Michigan lawmakers are proposing to introduce what they call, “some of the nation’s strictest bike-safety regulations and tough new penalties for […]

3 Biggest Causes of Injuries on Halloween Night

Three Reasons Child Injuries Are High on Halloween Night For the Michigan families who will be celebrating Halloween this year, many are sure to be busy preparing costumes for a spooky-fun night Trick-or-Treating from the communities of Kalamazoo to Detroit. Sadly, one of the most fun night outs can also be considered one of the […]

8 Questions to Ask When Looking at Summer Camps

Are You Prepared For Summer Camp Dangers? After national reports of 5-year-old Benjamin Hosch III’s drowning at a summer camp in Georgia this month, we were additionally saddened to hear of another young child’s death right here in Michigan who was attending camp in Kalamazoo County. The Portage Public Schools district says the boy, with […]

Michigan’s Most Dangerous Intersections During Winter Months

TAKE EXTRA PRECAUTIONS WHEN TRAVELING THROUGH SNOW AND ICE FILLED INTERSECTIONS MLive’s Chief Meteorologist Mark Torregrossa recently compiled a list of Michigan’s most dangerous intersections when snow and ice are present. He used accident reports from the Michigan State Police dating 2012 – 2016. Ice, snow, wind and below-freezing temperatures often combine to make winter […]

Michigan Bike Accident – Tragedy and Solutions

Michigan Bicycle Accident Lawyers The tragic and absolutely devastating bicycle deaths that occurred near Kalamazoo last week highlight the growing problems bicyclists and motorists are facing on Michigan roadways. The accident occurred when a man driving a pickup truck plowed into a group of bicyclists. The collision results in the deaths of 5 bicyclists, with […]

Michigan Court of Appeals Rules in Favor of Plaintiff – Awards Penalty Interest And Attorney Fees in No-Fault Case

In March, the Michigan Court of Appeals made an important ruling on penalty interest and attorney fees under the Michigan no-fault law. In Bronson Health Care Group v. Titan Insurance Co., (docket no. 324847, published 3/15/2016), the Court held a no-fault insurer is not permitted to investigate and wait in paying a no-fault claim if […]

A Michigan Car Crash Pile-Up For The Ages

This past Friday, I-94 near Kalamazoo experienced a horrific and tragic car crash pile-up unlike anything anybody has ever seen. After a troublesome mixture of ice, moisture, and snow began to fall in Kalamazoo County, the roadways become very slippery. This potent mix led to a 193-vehicle pile-up going in both directions along the interstate. […]

Michigan Potholes – They Are Everywhere

It doesn’t matter what street you go down, where you turn or where you are going, they are there. Yes, the potholes are everywhere. And they are causing car accidents and car wrecks in Michigan at an astounding rate. As a Michigander born and raised in the Great Lakes state, I’ve seen my fair share […]