dog bite Archives - Lee Steinberg Law Firm

3 Causes of Trick-or-Treat Halloween Injuries

Key Points of This Article: Be on The Lookout for Dogs, Doorsteps, and Drivers this Halloween Night While this year’s Halloween activities may look a bit different for Michigan families due to COVID-19, the same trick-or-treat dangers will be lurking for those who choose to dress up in their favorite costume and gather candy. Michiganders […]

Michigan Dog Bite Injury and Provocation

Do You Have a Michigan Dog Bite Injury Case? Each year in Michigan, there are hundreds if not thousands of dog attacks that result in personal injury. These cases are governed by statute under the Michigan dog bite law, or MCL 287.351. The statute is as follows: 287.351 Person bitten by dog; liability of owner […]

Mid-Michigan Dog Bite Victim Wins Case

Dog bites and dog attacks in Michigan can be extremely traumatic events. Getting attacked by a vicious dog can leave permanent scarring, nerve damage, medical bills, and lost wages. These attacks also leave emotional scars that can stay with a person for the rest of their lives. Michigan dog bite lawyers have an important tool […]

Is a Dog Bite Case Worth Pursuing?

Is a dog bite case worth pursuing? I get this question a lot. Often somebody who has been injured by a dog bite or dog attack calls our office and asks this question. Usually, the dog bite victim is concerned about the costs of pursuing the claim, how long will it take and the financial […]

Innocent 4 Year-Old Boy Mauled By Pit Bulls

Detroit Dog Bite Lawyers An absolutely tragic and horrible dog bite attack occurred in Detroit this afternoon. While a 4 year-old boy and his mother were walking to volunteer at a local school, it appears a group of four pit bulls escaped from a fenced-in yard, grabbed the boy, and pulled him away from his […]

Dog Bites Still A Major Concern In Michigan

Michigan Remains Top Ten State For Dog Bite Claims You may have recently read about the story of a 3-week-old Grand Rapids baby who died after the family dog bit her in the head. Surgery couldn’t save the infant who was left alone in the house with three pit bulls for only five minutes before a caretaker […]