Medical Malpractice: Anesthesia Mistakes - Lee Steinberg Law Firm

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Medical Malpractice: Anesthesia Mistakes

After anesthesia is administered, it temporarily relieves a patient from any pain or discomfort they’d normally experience during a surgery. Anesthesia blocks memory, can mask feelings and it can totally eliminate consciousness. It enables doctors to perform prolonged surgical procedures that wouldn’t otherwise be available without anesthesia.

However, too much anesthesia can lead to permanent injuries and even death. If you or your loved one has suffered because of an anesthesia overdose, then the Law Offices of Lee Steinberg at 1-800-LEE-FREE are experts in Michigan anesthesia mistake law.

Did you know?

There are four primary types of anesthesia:

  • General anesthesia is usually used for major surgical procedures and involves a total loss of consciousness.
  • Spinal anesthesia (epidural) is generally used for surgery involving the lower body.
  • Regional anesthesia (nerve blocks) is injected near a nerve to temporarily block pain signals to the brain.
  • Local anesthesia involves numbing of the skin and the surrounding tissues.

Administering any type of anesthesia is a delicate procedure and can be dangerous if done incorrectly. There are many causes for anesthesia error. Below are the more common examples:

  • Delayed anesthesia delivery
  • Anesthesia dosage error – overdose or under dose
  • Failure to properly administer oxygen during surgery
  • Failure to properly monitor the patient
  • Improper intubation

The Lee Steinberg Law Firm at 1-800-LEE-FREE are experts in Michigan anesthesia mistake law.

Please call Lee Free and our team of Michigan anesthesia mistake lawyers at 1-800-LEE-FREE (1-800-533-3733) or fill out the Free Case Evaluation form so we can answer any questions you have about Michigan medical malpractice law.

We are the Michigan anesthesia mistake experts. You pay nothing until we win your case. This is known as a contingency fee agreement, which means that our work dictates how much we make. Let us help you today.