General Negligence Archives - Lee Steinberg Law Firm

No-Fault Bulletin No. 5 – New Third-Party Law

Key Points in This Article: This bulletin will evaluate the changes to third-party negligence cases under the new Michigan no-fault law. With the Public Act 21 of 2019, a number of huge ramifications for Michigan drivers, their families and anyone who uses a car, truck or motorcycle in this state are possible. An individual who […]

3 Biggest Causes of Injuries on Halloween Night

Three Reasons Child Injuries Are High on Halloween Night For the Michigan families who will be celebrating Halloween this year, many are sure to be busy preparing costumes for a spooky-fun night Trick-or-Treating from the communities of Kalamazoo to Detroit. Sadly, one of the most fun night outs can also be considered one of the […]

University of Michigan Greek Life Faces Numerous Hazing Allegations

University of Michigan Suspends Greek Life Activities as Several Fraternities Face Hazing Allegations The University of Michigan’s newspaper recently reported that the University’s student-run Interfraternity Council has suspended all Greek Life social activities and new member education programs in the wake of multiple allegations of sexual misconduct, hazing and drug use. The suspension has banned […]

Woman Falls Into A Fountain In Pennsylvania

In recent weeks there has been a lot of blogging about an incident that occurred in Pennsylvania. It involved a woman, Cathy Cruz Marrero, who tripped into a water fountain while walking and texting in a Retail Mall. One minute she’s texting; the next minute she’s face first into the water. Now she wants to […]

Is a Dog Bite Case Worth Pursuing?

Is a dog bite case worth pursuing? I get this question a lot. Often somebody who has been injured by a dog bite or dog attack calls our office and asks this question. Usually, the dog bite victim is concerned about the costs of pursuing the claim, how long will it take and the financial […]

Buggy Accident in Montcalm County Kills Three Children

Triple-Fatal-Buggy Crash in Montcalm County Highlights Greater Need for Roadside Awareness A Michigan family was headed to their Old Order Mennonite church when they and their horse-drawn buggy were involved in an accident with a Dodge 4×4 pickup truck. The horrific accident took place on a two-lane stretch in central Michigan’s Evergreen Township in Montcalm […]