Michigan Auto No-Fault Law Archives - Lee Steinberg Law Firm

Which Car Insurance Company Is Responsible For Paying My No-Fault Claim?

Which Michigan car insurance company is responsible for paying my claim? That’s an important question. The Michigan No-Fault Law provides a framework for determining which insurance company is responsible for paying no-fault benefits. This is often referred to as the “order of priority.” The insurance company responsible for paying has the “highest” order of priority. […]

What Are Michigan’s Speed Limit Laws?

Getting information about the speed limit laws in Michigan are important for every driver. Some roadways have posted speed limits while others do not. A driver must know the speed limit no matter what the situation. Speeding is one of the leading causes of injury and wrongful death in Michigan car accident cases. In 2022, […]

No-Fault Bulletin No. 5 – New Third-Party Law

Key Points in This Article: This bulletin will evaluate the changes to third-party negligence cases under the new Michigan no-fault law. With the Public Act 21 of 2019, a number of huge ramifications for Michigan drivers, their families and anyone who uses a car, truck or motorcycle in this state are possible. An individual who […]

How State Farm Handles Michigan Car Insurance Claims

Key Points of This Article: How State Farm Handles Car Insurance Claims in Michigan It’s reasonably easy to locate a State Farm Insurance sales representative in Michigan. Offices can be found in nearly every county from Van Buren to Wayne, making State Farm one of the largest insurance providers not only in the state but […]

Can You Sue for Back Pain After a Car Accident?

Back pain is a common occurrence following a Michigan car accident. The impact from a rear-end collision, head-on collision or T-bone crash creates significant forces on the spine. This can result in muscle strains, muscle sprains and other forms of injury to the low back region. The pain can completely change a person’s life. When […]