Michigan Auto No-Fault Law Archives - Page 2 of 10 - Lee Steinberg Law Firm

Which Car Insurance Pays No-Fault PIP Benefits (7 Rules)

Do you wonder which car insurance company pays for no-fault benefits after a crash or wreck in Michigan?  Michigan’s no-fault law is confusing. The at-fault driver does not automatically pay for things like medical bills, lost wages and out-of-pocket costs. But don’t worry. This article will help explain who pays when a car accident occurs […]

Problems with the New Michigan No-Fault Law That Nobody is Taking About

The Michigan No-Fault law and Michigan automobile law changed dramatically this month with the sale of new Michigan auto policies to policyholders. For the first time since the no-fault law was introduced in the early 1970s, motorists throughout the state can now buy policies with limited PIP (personal injury protection) options. PIP coverage acts as […]

Michigan No-Fault Benefits for Drivers and Passengers – MCL 500.3114

Michigan Car Accident Lawyers PIP Benefits for Occupants –Order of Priority MCL 500.3114: Individuals injured in a Michigan car accident, truck accident and even most motorcycle accidents are entitled to Michigan no-fault benefits. The insurance company responsible for paying benefits depends on a number of factors. One such factor is whether the injured person occupied […]

Michigan No-Fault Law Changes – Excluded Drivers

Michigan No-Fault Law and Excluded Drivers The Michigan no-fault law and car accident law is constantly changing. The Michigan car accident lawyers at Call Lee Free work hard to keep our clients, and the public at large, appraised of all changes. The following is an update on what happens when a named excluded driver gets involved […]

Disqualifications For Michigan No-Fault PIP Benefits

5 Instances Where Michigan Drivers Can Lose Their No-Fault Benefits Entitlement to Michigan no-fault benefits following a Michigan car accident is the foundation of Michigan car accident law. Under the Michigan No-Fault Law, almost all individuals accidentally injured in a Michigan car wreck are entitled to certain no-fault benefits. These benefits are generous and include […]