Tips Archives - Lee Steinberg Law Firm

Bus Safety Reminders for the Back to School Season

School Bus Safety – Talk To Your Child Yes, it is true. Even though four to six school-age children die each year on school transportation vehicles, that’s less than one percent of all traffic fatalities nationwide, the more than 25 million schoolchildren who ride the 480,000 school buses each day are much safer taking that […]

How to Prepare For a Deposition

The deposition is probably the single scariest part of the litigation process for plaintiffs and defendants. People don’t know what to expect, often believing the other lawyer will fight and intimidate them. Our law office has helped literally thousands of clients get through their depositions. The single most important ingredient to not only surviving, but […]

3 Causes of Trick-or-Treat Halloween Injuries

Key Points of This Article: Be on The Lookout for Dogs, Doorsteps, and Drivers this Halloween Night While this year’s Halloween activities may look a bit different for Michigan families due to COVID-19, the same trick-or-treat dangers will be lurking for those who choose to dress up in their favorite costume and gather candy. Michiganders […]

Where and When Michigan Motorcycle Crashes Happen Most Often

Synopsis Michigan’s Highest Motorcycle Crash Ratings Come from Metro Detroit According to Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, Wayne, Oakland, and Macomb counties average more than three motorcycle-vehicle crashes every day in the peak riding season. Seven areas and intersections in Metro Detroit with the worst motorcycle crash ratings identified by Benson’s office come from […]

Detroit Leads Large Cities in Pedestrian Car Accident Deaths

In February of 2019, The Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA) released a preliminary report addressing the several causes for the increase in pedestrian fatalities nationwide. The report shows the number of pedestrians killed in motor vehicle crashes in 2018 was 6,227, the largest increase in more than three decades. Many factors contributed to the rise […]

Tips for Your Michigan Motorcycle Trip

FREE Guide to Prepare Your Michigan Group Motorcycle Trip Group motorcycle riding can be a great experience in Michigan. The state boasts roadways that hug Lake Michigan shorelines and make for some of the most scenic rides in the country. A ride can quickly become tragic though when common sense, respect for other drivers, and […]

How Utility Companies Should Protect Their Employees from Electrical Accidents

Michigan Utility Workers Have Dangerous Jobs It’s no doubt utility crew workers have some of the toughest industry jobs out there. While heavily trained in safety, these electric, natural gas, water, sewer and other utility workers often face obstacles like overexertion, heat and cold stressors, and exposure to electricity and gases, or equipment issues that […]

Michigan No-Fault Benefits for Drivers and Passengers – MCL 500.3114

Michigan Car Accident Lawyers PIP Benefits for Occupants –Order of Priority MCL 500.3114: Individuals injured in a Michigan car accident, truck accident and even most motorcycle accidents are entitled to Michigan no-fault benefits. The insurance company responsible for paying benefits depends on a number of factors. One such factor is whether the injured person occupied […]

Michigan No-Fault Law Changes – Excluded Drivers

Michigan No-Fault Law and Excluded Drivers The Michigan no-fault law and car accident law is constantly changing. The Michigan car accident lawyers at Call Lee Free work hard to keep our clients, and the public at large, appraised of all changes. The following is an update on what happens when a named excluded driver gets involved […]