The attorneys at the Lee Steinberg Law Firm are personal injury experts who have been helping the people of Flint and surrounding communities, such as Grand Blanc, Burton, Davison, Mt. Morris, Flushing, Clio and Swartz Creek for more than 40 years. If you were injured in an accident, contact us for a free consultation. We will explain the law to you, your best options and can get you the money compensation you deserve.
The Lee Steinberg Law Firm has expertise in many practice areas, but the majority of cases that we help Flint residents with include the following types:
Flint Car Accident Attorney
Our attorneys at The Lee Steinberg Law Firm are car accident injury experts who have been helping the people of Flint Michigan for more than 40 years. If you were injured in a car accident, contact us for a free consultation. We will answer your questions and educate you on your options.
Car accident compensation is often secured through the auto insurance claims process, but it can be challenging to get the insurance company to pay. Your Flint car accident attorney can help you show the insurance company you’re serious about payment. We will aggressively represent you in court and throughout the lawsuit.
Flint Semi-Truck Accident Lawyers
Car accidents in Flint and Genesee County involving semi-trucks, 18-wheelers and large trucks can cause catastrophic and life changing injuries.
Commercial trucking companies and their insurance companies are aggressive in defending these cases. They will conduct an accident investigation, contact witnesses and start working to protect their own interests as soon as possible after a crash.
That is why after a big truck crash occurs, whether it involves an 18-wheeler, a big-rig, or commercial vehicle, you need an army on your side too. The Flint large truck accident attorneys at the Lee Steinberg Law Firm have a team of lawyers and legal professionals ready to take on the large commercial truck companies. We make sure the driver, trucking company and insurance company are held responsible for the injuries they cause.
With over 40 years of experience, we know what it takes to win these cases. If you need an experienced and aggressive Flint truck accident law firm, call us today at 810-275-1829 for a free consultation.
Michigan is a no-fault state. This means compensation for injuries from a car accident can come from in different ways.
PIP Benefits and No-Fault Benefits
Persons injured in truck accidents are eligible for certain benefits via Michigan’s no-fault law. This is true regardless of who is found to be at-fault for the accident. Personal Injury Protection (PIP) coverage includes payment for hospital charges and doctor’s bills, rehabilitation costs, prescriptions and the other medical expenses that can be incurred during treatment for injuries sustained in a motor vehicle accident.
PIP coverage also provides payment of wages that are lost because of injury sustained in a truck accident. This can be payable for up to three years following an accident.
Family members can be compensated for work they do for injured persons after an accident. These “replacement services” are in addition to potential “personal care” compensation, available to those who assist with personal activities such as hygiene or changing bandages. Both replacement services and personal care costs are payable by the insurance companies.
Pain and Suffering Compensation
Victims of a semi-truck or 18-wheeler crash are also entitled to compensation for their pain and suffering. This is paid by the trucking company, employer, trucker driver, carrier or other potential defendants responsible for causing the crash. This type of compensation is also known as “non-economic damages.” It can include:
- Present and future pain and suffering
- Emotional distress, anxiety and loss of companionship
- Present and future loss of income/wages not covered by PIP
- Death (through a wrongful death lawsuit)
- Bystander claims (i.e. witnessing the injury of a family member in an accident)
- Permanent or temporary work/activity disability
- Psychological injury (i.e. PTSD, depression, fright and shock)
- Scars and permanent disfigurements
The at-fault driver and the trucking company may also be responsible for unpaid medical bills and future medical expenses. This happens when the injured person’s PIP coverage is exhausted or used up from previous medical bills.
The Flint truck accident lawyers at the Lee Steinberg Law Firm represent clients with a wide range of injuries suffered in truck accidents. We have represented victims who have suffered from traumatic brain injury, amputation, spinal cord damage, broken bones, back and neck injuries, and more.
There are many different potential defendants in a semi-truck accident case. These cases are different than a normal car accident case. Trucking cases are very complex and can involve a lot of different entities. These different parties can all be potential defendants:
- The at-fault driver
- The owner of the commercial vehicle
- The employer of the trucker
- The carrier who owns the vehicle or was in charge of the load
- The broker who helped facilitate the transport
- A third-party logistic company
- A company that failed to load the truck properly
- The manufacturer of the truck
Flint Motorcycle Accident Lawyer
After a motorcycle accident, you need a law firm that understands this specific type of accident and has compassion for Michigan motorcyclists.
Our legal team of motorcycle accident lawyers has handled countless motorcycle wrecks all over the state of Michigan, including here in Flint. We know how to work with experts and doctors to obtain the best outcome possible after your motorcycle accident.
Flint Drunk Driving Accidents
Drunk driving is a persistent and dangerous problem in Flint, as it is across the United States. If you have the misfortune of being hit by a drunk driver, you can demand money damages for your losses.
In almost all situations, by state law, someone who is injured by a drunk driver is entitled to Michigan no-fault benefits and compensation for pain and suffering. Our Flint drunk driving injury attorneys can help you understand the process, help you obtain justice and compensation, and get your bills from the accident paid so you can move forward.
Michigan’s Dram Shop Statute allows victims of drunk driving to sue providers of alcohol. This can apply to a store, bar, a private citizen serving alcohol at a party, and others who may serve/sell alcohol to visibly intoxicated people. These are complex cases, so please contact an attorney with experience handling dram shop liability cases.
Flint Bicycle Accident Lawyers
Bike accidents are increasing in frequency and becoming more costly as they occur on roadways throughout Genesee County and the state of Michigan. No longer is the average bike accident victim a child. People of all ages are injured in severe bike accidents involving trucks, vans, cars, and other vehicles.
Our Flint bike accident team of lawyers are experts who have represented bicycle accident victims for decades. If you or a loved one was in a car crash involving a bicycle, or if you are a bicyclist severely injured due to a negligent driver, we will fight to ensure you receive the monetary compensation, and benefits you deserve under the law.
When cyclists are injured in traffic accidents, they often claim high compensation due to severe injuries. These accidents tend to involve injuries like skull fractures, closed head injuries, back injuries, neck injuries, herniated discs, torn ligaments or tendons, broken bones, and road rash.
Flint Pedestrian Accident Lawyers
Here in Flint, a pedestrian hit by a vehicle has a greater chance of being severely injured. Pedestrians are often left with life-changing injuries like brain damage, spinal cord damage, back injuries, crushed pelvises, and broken legs. Recovery can take months or more.
At the Lee Steinberg Law Firm, we take pedestrian accidents very seriously and will work to get you the full and fair compensation you’ll need to rest and recover. We can help you understand Michigan’s complex laws for pedestrian and auto accidents and put together the evidence you need to hold a negligent driver responsible.
Sources of evidence in a pedestrian accident can include medical records, medical bills, the police report, photos of the accident scene, photos of the vehicle damage, videos from nearby businesses, footage from traffic cameras and security devices, witnesses, the testimony of law enforcement and expert testimony.
Michigan’s no-fault law applies to pedestrians. This means they can collect compensation after being injured because the lack of car insurance doesn’t preclude them from being entitled to benefits. So long as a truck or car was involved in causing the crash, a pedestrian can still get benefits. This is true even if the pedestrian was at-fault for causing the accident.
A pedestrian can request compensation for medical bills, rehabilitation costs, lost wages and other damages from the insurance company or individual responsible for paying the claim. If the driver of the vehicle was at-fault, a pedestrian can also make a claim for pain and suffering, emotional distress and other “non-economic” damages.
Uber & Lyft Accidents in Flint
Flint’s streets also now include drivers for Uber, Lyft, and other ride-sharing companies. When these drivers hurt other motorists, they can be held accountable – but the rideshare companies are famous for trying to deflect the blame and avoid paying injured victims.
You’ll need a Flint Uber & Lyft Accident lawyer who has extensive experience going up against ride-sharing companies, their insurance companies, and the irresponsible drivers who cause victims so much expense and pain. We have a history of success for our clients in these accidents.
The amount of money an injured person can obtain following an Uber or Lyft car accident in Flint depends on a number of factors, including the severity of the injuries and how the crash occurred. The insurance coverage available is also important.
Under the Limousine, Taxicab, and Transportation Network Company Act, an Uber or Lyft driver who is logged on to the transportation network company’s digital network and is available to receive a transportation request, but is not engaged in a ride, must maintain a minimum of $50,000 in liability coverage for that time period. However, when the Uber or Lyft driver is engaged in a ride, that operator must maintain a least $1,000,000 in liability coverage.
Flint Slip and Fall Accident Lawyers
Did you slip, trip, and fall on someone else’s property here in Flint, Michigan? Talk to your lawyer about the conditions present at the time of your injury and who may be responsible. We can help you place the blame where it belongs and obtain compensation for your injuries.
Most slip and fall cases involve negligence, where the injured person sues the premises owner for creating unsafe conditions or allowing it to persist and lead to injury. In Michigan, property owners, including homeowners, landlords, and building owners have a duty to keep their premises in a reasonably safe condition and to protect against harming people on their property.
To hold a building owner liable for negligence, they must have had actual or constructive notice of the danger. This means the owner knew or should have known about the dangerous condition before the incident took place. It’s vital to establish that notice was given, and it can make the difference between getting compensation or a judge dismissing your case.
Flint Dog Bite Lawyers
Here at the Lee Steinberg Law Firm, we represent a wide variety of dog bite victims, including parents, children, senior citizens, utility workers, delivery workers, and more. A dog attack is emotionally traumatic and can have long-lasting psychological consequences, especially for children.
There are various ways to handle dog bite claims in Flint. The most prevalent claim is a violation of the Michigan dog bite statute, MCL 287.351. Under this rule, so long as the dog bite victim did not provoke the attack, a dog owner is strictly liable for all damages the dog caused. This includes the payment of medical expenses, lost wages, scarring, surgery as well as pain and suffering.
Another type of dog bite claim is a standard negligence action against the dog owner for failing to keep his or her dog under control in a reasonable manner. Dog bite claims are typically paid by homeowners’ insurance companies. We’ve helped clients recover millions for medical bills, puncture wounds, scarring, nerve damage, emotional trauma, and pain and suffering.
Winning a dog bite case entails collecting evidence to prove your case. The Genesee County Animal Control will take a report following a vicious attack. This report should include the name and address of the dog owner and victim, as well as a description of how the attack occurred and where it occurred. In addition, a police report may also be filed by a dog bite victim. These pieces of information are very important in obtaining compensation from the insurance company.
Flint Medical Malpractice Lawyers
Medical malpractice is widely misunderstood and is much more common than most people realize. It’s the main reason hospitals and practitioners carry large insurance policies. Even skilled, experienced healthcare professionals sometimes make mistakes that impact patients’ lives and health.
When you’re injured due to medical malpractice in Flint, you may be dealing with pain, physical disability, limited mobility, stress, and expensive medical bills. Your home and work life could be disrupted forever. Contact a lawyer to start a medical malpractice claim for the resources you need.
Medical malpractice occurs when a patient sustains an injury due to an improper action, or failure to act, by a member of the medical profession. When a doctor fails to meet the standard of care for the profession, then that doctor can be held civilly responsible for the injuries that are caused.
There are multiple examples of medical malpractice. Some of the most common examples include:
- Missed diagnosis or delayed diagnosis;
- Surgical errors;
- Childbirth injuries – oxygen deprivation, shoulder dystocia, brachial plexus injuries;
- Cerebral palsy;
- Anesthesia errors;
- Medication mistakes.
Although there are exceptions, in general, the statute of limitations for a Flint medical malpractice case is two years. This means the malpractice victim has two years from the date of the malpractice to file a lawsuit against the correct defendants. If the victim fails to do this, he or she forever loses his or her right to recover compensation for their injuries.
Michigan has a medical malpractice damages cap that limits the amount you can be awarded in a medical malpractice case. The standard cap is currently $476,000 for non-economic damages such as pain and suffering. For cases that involve significant, long-lasting harm to the patient, like permanent organ damage or permanent cognitive impairment, the cap expands to $851,000.
However, there is no cap on economic damages like medical expenses and lost wages.
Social Security Disability Lawyers
You may be surprised to discover how difficult it is to claim SSD or SSI successfully and receive the payment you need to survive. Social security disability claims are quite complex, so it is important to get good legal help when applying for disability benefits. You’ll lose your chance to receive disability if you handle it incorrectly.
A social security lawyer understands the complexities of the process and can guide you through applying for and receiving disability benefits. The Social Security Administration (SSA) provides Social Security disability (SSD) benefits to qualified individuals who are considered disabled by the federal government.
For someone who qualifies under the legal definition of disabled, certain family members may qualify for disability family benefits. This may include the spouse, divorced spouse, children, and an adult child who is disabled, up to age 22.
Flint Workers’ Compensation Lawyers
Were you injured while working for your employer in Flint? You may be able to receive workers’ compensation under the Michigan Workers’ Disability Compensation law. Employees are entitled to certain benefits from their employers for most work-related injuries.
This could be your best option because workers’ compensation is usually the exclusive remedy for a worker against an employer for an injury or disease that arises as a result of their employment. If you miss out on workers’ compensation, you may lose your ability to have your medical bills and other costs paid by your employer.
If you’re unable to work at all, you would most likely receive 80% of your pre-injury wages using a formula that involves the 52 weeks before you were injured. If you can work at partial capacity you may receive a lower amount that is calculated as 80% of the difference between pre-injury and post-injury wages. Please ask a Flint workers’ compensation lawyer if you need additional clarification on this topic because it can be quite confusing.
Flint Landlord-Tenant Personal Injury Lawyers
Tenants injured due to the negligence of their landlord or property manager in Flint have a special type of case. Tenants receive special protections according to Michigan law.
Under MCL 554.139, a landlord has a duty to keep the premises – such as the apartment complex or home – in reasonable repair. The landlord also has a duty to keep the premises and all common areas fit for their intended use. If a landlord breaches this duty, then the tenant can file a lawsuit against the landlord or the property management company for their injuries.
Most tenant injuries that occur due to landlord negligence occur in areas of the home that often ignored and thus not properly maintained. Common tenant injuries include a handrail giving way, broken steps, broken porch, a cracked floor or walkway, or water damage resulting in ceiling collapse or building collapse.
Landlord-tenant injury cases often involve challenging battles with management companies and building owners. You, as the tenant or injured party, must prove the landlord was negligent in maintaining the building and this negligence caused the injuries. Seek the help of an experienced landlord negligence injury lawyer in the Flint area.
Flint Nursing Home Abuse & Injury Lawyers
Although it’s unbearable to think of a loved one suffering neglect or abuse at the hands of nursing home workers, it happens often. You can take action to protect yourself or a loved one who is experiencing nursing home injuries or neglect.
Nursing home abuse and injury laws are constantly changing here in Michigan. You’ll need a knowledgeable Flint nursing home abuse lawyer who will fight to protect your family’s rights and can handle the massive load of paperwork these cases involve, including interactions with government agencies and medical experts in Flint.
Common nursing home injury cases involve pressure sores, pressure ulcers, decubitus ulcers, bedsores, falls, bed falls, medication overdose or improper medication, and wandering injuries.
A case for neglect or abuse in a nursing home must relate to the care the nursing home provided. If the person had a pre-existing condition, the total settlement value could be reduced by the amount of impact the pre-existing condition had. However, a pre-existing condition doesn’t negate the ability to pursue compensation for nursing home neglect or abuse.
Flint Birth Injury Lawyers
Did your child suffer at the hands of a medical professional at birth? Sometimes the joyous event of birth is marred by a medical mistake and birth injury. Doctors, nurses, birthing coaches, and many other healthcare workers create serious medical challenges for mothers and babies when they make preventable errors.
Don’t wait to seek compensation. You and your baby could be facing a lifetime of health problems or even permanent disability. This situation could shake up your entire world and you deserve resources that will allow you and your child to move forward.
Flint Wrongful Death Lawyers
When one person’s negligence leads to another person’s death, it may be a wrongful death case. Here in Flint, these cases involve a wide variety of situations like car crashes, truck accidents, pedestrian accidents, drunk driving, product liability, motorcycle accidents, fires, explosions, and job-related deaths.
You should know that a wrongful death claim is a special type of claim that involves very specific duties and deadlines. This is why it’s so important to have the assistance of an experienced Flint wrongful death lawyer who has a thorough knowledge of these claims.
Emergency Services and Local Contact Information for Flint, Michigan
Flint Fire Department 310 E. 5th St. Flint, MI 48502 (810) 762-7336
Flint Police Department 210 E. 5th St. Flint, MI 48502 (810) 237-6800
Genesee County Sheriff’s Office 1002 S. Saginaw Flint, MI 48502 (810) 257-3407
Michigan State Police 333 S. Grand Ave. Lansing, MI 48909-0634 (517) 332-2521
McLaren Regional Medical Center 401 S. Ballenger Hwy. Flint, MI 48532 (810) 342-2000
Hurley Medical Center 1 Hurley Plaza Flint, MI 48503 (810) 257-9000
Lee Steinberg Law Firm – Flint Personal Injury Lawyers -Compensation You Deserve
The party that caused your injuries should be the one who is held financially accountable for all of your damages. It’s as simple as that. However, insurance companies rarely let things stay that simple. Instead, they will work to delay and then deny your claim, sometimes even skirting the edge of what is legally permitted.
Our personal injury attorneys don’t stand for such treatment by the insurance companies. If you deserve $1 million in damages, then $1 million in damages is what we will be fighting for. We don’t slow down or stop until we achieve the best result for you. This is how we have won 99% of our cases.
In your personal injury claim, you may be able to seek damages for the following and more:
- Emergency medical treatments
- Hospitalization
- Past medical bills and future medical bills
- Lifelong rehabilitative therapy
- Lost or reduced wages
- Loss of enjoyment of life
- Pain and suffering
- Lasting emotional scarring and physical scarring
Contact Us Now
The Lee Steinberg Law Firm in Flint
Our nearest office is located at 717 S Grand Traverse St., Suite 2, Flint, MI 48502
Over the past 40 years, The Lee Steinberg Law Firm has helped thousands of people win settlements and verdicts whose lives have been affected by Michigan car and truck accidents, Michigan motorcycle accidents, medical malpractice cases, Michigan slip and fall accidents and other personal injuries cases. The experience we bring to each case allows us to assist our clients with the highest level of expertise.
For Flint car accident cases, Michigan is a “no-fault” state. This means almost all individuals injured in a car accident are eligible for benefits from a car insurance company. This is true even if the person caused the crash.
Our attorneys will take care of everything, leaving you and your family to the most important job – recovering and getting your lives back on track. Having an experienced Michigan car, truck, and motorcycle attorney behind you can make all the difference. And remember, there are no fees until you win or settle your case. We don’t get paid unless you do.
Video Transcript
We have an office right in downtown Flint. It’s not far, actually, from the courthouse in Flint. And we handle car accident cases in Flint, slip and fall cases, construction accidents, social security cases, general negligence cases as well in Flint and in Gennessee County. At that location, we meet with clients, answer their questions, update them on the progress of their case. Gennessee County is an area that has been beaten down a lot over the years, but we are forever grateful for the clients we have there. It’s great people. It’s an area that has a lot of can-do motivation, especially with everything going on with Flint.